Every company is made up of people who would like nothing more than to realize their full potential. Sometimes they need a little help—that’s where we come in.
In today’s disruptive and rapidly changing business environment, a different approach to strategic planning is required.
Simultaneous dual focus: Strategy now requires doing two very different things at once: strengthening, expanding and repositioning the core, while at the very same time, creating the next (and potentially very different) business model(s) for the future.
Outside in perspective: A deep understanding of what’s happening in the external business environment—continually refreshed—is critical. Equally important is an ongoing and accurate view of how your competition is responding to this environment.
Combined, collaborative thinking: Challenges are multifaceted and complex; no single person has all the knowledge and experience necessary to address them. The key is to leverage the collective insights of a diverse team to yield the most creative solutions.
Capability development: Strategy defines the direction and priorities. Organizational capabilities must be created or expanded to enable the organization to deliver on the strategy. All the levers—marketing, branding, digital, product, technology, innovation, corporate development, talent, investments, capital allocation—must work in concert.
Organizations that have survived over the years have mastered the art of change and transformation.
Strategic Visioning is about creating a bold vision of the future and then transforming the organization into that ideal. The process of creating a “Strategic Vision” is just as important as the outcome. Done correctly, it can be the driving force in setting direction, aligning actions, and guiding decisions. It can unlock hidden potential and improve growth and performance.
Some executives may believe that creating a Vision is impractical. They may have been part of a “Visioning Exercise” that did not create a tangible outcome, or the experience was not connected to the core objectives, which are to enhance growth, increase performance and unlock value.
Altus Group’s approach to Strategic Visioning is intensely practical. It does reflect values and aspirations, but it is built on facts. The process is part emotional (the product of imagination, hunches, and values) and part rational (the product of organizational, environmental and competitive analysis). Creating a Vision of what “could be” does not rely solely on what needs to change; it also uses the effective elements of the current corporate culture and strategy to build a strong foundation.
The best executive teams always seem find the time to work on becoming a more effective team.
Teamwork is hard work, and it’s not something that comes naturally to everyone. By focusing on team effectiveness, great teams continuously refine their behaviors, allowing them to sustain exceptional performance. Over time, team membership changes, new priorities are introduced, and new challenges arise. These changes impact the dynamics of the team and if left unchecked, can inhibit performance.
Add in the pressure of operating in rapidly changing work environments, and the barriers to effective collaboration only increase. And therein lies the challenge: In these demanding times, teamwork is critical. The solutions necessary to address these challenges require combined creative thinking and collaborative effort.
Altus Group’s comprehensive approach includes a thorough analysis of the environment and team dynamics to uncover the “real” issues. We then create a unique team experience to realign the team and improve performance.
World-class athletes always seem to have exceptional coaches…Why is that?
Working in today’s rapidly changing business environment is incredibly demanding. It takes tremendous focus and determination. Sometimes a little help can make a huge difference. Whether you’re leading organizational change, finding yourself in a new role, or simply navigating some current challenges, the decisions you make and actions you take will set the stage for success in the future.
As an Executive Coach, we identify the behaviors that are impeding performance, and provide feedback on how address them. We help you step back from the day to day, so that you can focus on the areas that will enhance your leadership and management effectiveness. We provide ideas and identify resources for personal development, in support of your long-term career aspirations.
As a Trusted Advisor, we provide counsel, helping you to address issues around team performance and dynamics. We act as a sounding board to discuss potential challenges and identify solutions to successfully deliver key initiatives. We advise you on matters that arise from time to time while working with your boss, peers and other senior executives across the organization.